
我们正处于一个重大变革的时期. This change will continue to have a profound impact on higher education. 科技进步, 人口结构的变化, 日益全球化, 发展不平等, 工作和职业的转变性质, 文化和政治分歧的挑战, 对大学学位价值的新认识, 和 competing educational modes—all of these constitute the context in which DU serves our students 和 society. 和, 毫无疑问, many of these challenges have been exposed 和 deepened by the COVID-19 p和emic. 

By courageously pursuing our goals—goals defined collaboratively by our students, 工作人员, 教师, alumni 和 friends—the yzcca88游戏登录网址 can 和 will meet the needs of our students 和 society. 我们的五大战略要求,是对 Du冲击2025, represent our most pressing priorities 和 exciting potential.


  • 确保大胆, enduring future for the next generation through our financial, 声誉, 以及操作实践


    The yzcca88游戏登录网址 has served generations of students by innovating to meet the needs of the time. 现在也不例外. 几股力量正在重塑高等教育. 确保DU能够蓬勃发展, 我们将专注于招聘, 保留和支持有才能的教职员工. To ensure diversity 和 equity 和 better serve our students, 我们将增加准入和支持, 所以每个学生都有毕业所需的东西. 我们的商业决策将是合理的, 同时也具有创新性, including pursuing new revenue streams 和 building an engaged philanthropic engine. 最后, we will be sure the story we are telling about DU—to our community 和 the world—is clear, 准确而有说服力.

  • 创造一个独特的全球性、整体性的“4D”学生体验

    Helping students thrive academically, personally 和 professionally

    It's not enough for students to graduate with a limited set of skills 和 narrowly defined knowledge. At DU, the student experience will encompass more, so our students can do 和 accomplish more. 它被称为 4 d的经验. 智力成长和学术是基础, 但杜学生也会探索性格, pursue careers 和 lives of purpose 和 promote wellbeing. 4D体验增强了学生的适应力, courageous champions of the public good by leading lives of purpose 和 passion 和 pursuing fulfilling careers. The 4 d的经验 is the umbrella under which DU will offer one-of-a-kind programming, 指导, support 和 resources—setting the University apart from its peers 和 answering the question of higher education’s role in a changing world.

  • Cultivate an exceptionally diverse, inclusive, equitable, 和 welcoming community


    Diverse communities are stronger, more resilient 和 more productive. yzcca88游戏登录网址倡导多元化, equity 和 inclusion because it is our moral obligation 和 because we believe, 毫无疑问, that society thrives when we collectively welcome the voices 和 ideas of individuals from all backgrounds. We commit to providing the structures 和 support to ensure the DU community 和 campus becomes an example for others seeking to lift up marginalized voices. A key part of this commitment is reckoning with 和 learning from our own institutional history. We make this commitment in no small part because we want a deep sense of belonging to define the experience of every single one of our community members, 和 that is impossible without confronting existing barriers. We work toward this lofty goal through continued listening 和 the perpetual evaluation of our policies, 文化与结构.  

  • 定义和模拟一所全球性的研究型大学


    Our 教师 和 研究 centers produce knowledge that improve lives. 我们也让学生参与我们所做的一切. Our 教师 involve students in their 研究, providing h和s-on, integrated learning experiences. This is the scholar-teacher model, 和 it is at the heart of DU’s identity. We also see even more opportunity for DU to connect to 和 contribute to 研究 that makes an impact on a global scale. We have everything we need to become an R1-classified institution. 通过这样做, we will continue to attract world-class 教师 和 produce PhD students with the knowledge, 改善世界的技能和经验. 和 we will double down on our scholar-teacher model by bringing all we learn 和 produce back into the classroom to the ultimate benefit of our students.

  • Ensure academic excellence with a signature portfolio of academic 项目 和 a relentless pursuit of quality


    We must empower our 教师 to apply their passions 和 expertise to serve as mentors 和 educators 和 provide our students with an excellent academic experience. 我们的学术课程使我们与众不同. 通过数据, we can make better choices about which to retain 和 which to transform, 所以DU提供的内容是不断更新和相关的. 需要考虑 在哪里如何 we offer courses has never been more pressing or apparent. Online education—most especially for our graduate 项目—is the future we must prepare for. 最后, we must more fully seize the potential of the undergraduate general education through teaching on civil discourse, ethics 和 cultural awareness 和 by using the heart of a liberal education to open our students’ minds to new ideas.



IMPACT 2025是我们的长期计划, 专注于利用创新, 研究, scholarship 和 collaboration to serve the public good 和 provide an exemplary educational experience.

